Welcome To The Neighborhood
We are a guild / community on discord. Playing games, watching movies, and generally having fun together. Join UsLearn More
Friendly Atmosphere
This is a place for everyone to enjoy, chill out and make friends. We have members from all ages and many different backgrounds and countries from all across the globe.
Always Active
Our discord server has a diverse community with friendly neighbors from all around the world. It’s always party time somewhere, so you are likely to find active members at all times of day, including active voice chats.
Well Moderated
We have a large staff of helpful volunteers who moderate and protect our community. We have event hosts and other roles of community organization to facilitate events and activities.
Join Us On Discord
Simply download the discord app, set up your account and then click the link below to join our server.
The Neighborhood Radio
Careers Part 2
Continuing our conversation about Careers & Education. Music by RigaRiga.
S02E03 All Work And No Play
S02E02 Baby Don’t Hurt Me
Ending Song: Awonya https://open.spotify.com/artist/23rqIWsdOOpZw5PmjS5fV0?si=UAmvOPBKRkOlpWb9IXo9Ww
S2E01 You’re A Naughty Avacado
Giving the podcast a reboot. You asked it, we answer it.
Friday Podcast 3: Beloved Battle Royale
Friday Show 2: Minecraft Nerds
Friday Show 1: RIP
We discuss a bit of drama where a discord user faked his own death. Not in The Neighborhood.
We are a global community
Miss Kitty Charlie
The community is pretty nice and the server’s a good place to make friends.
The wide variety of different people in here makes it easy for you to find many new people who are just like you.
We are one big happy family, we help each other, support each other and have lots of fun
A place to be, where everything can become your own little video game, while you’ll always have multiple players by your side, to fight off evil doers (trolls) and beast who dare try and think little of us, We are a guild of passion, compatibility, and teamwork. Together, we can slay whatever comes our path.